The Slightest Variation of Weather
Choreography and Performance by Meghan McLyman and Kristen Duffy

Through the use of theatrical elements
and repetition, this dance explores slight variations in time,
space and sequencing to alter meaning making.
Premier, May 13-14, 2023, Dance NOW
Boston, The Dance Complex, Cambridge, MA
Choreography and performance by Meghan McLyman and Kristen
Duffy Young
Ladylike examines the restrictions
society has placed on women through the rules of etiquette. The
expectations to be well mannered, well groomed, and quiet are
brought into question as the choreographers explore past and present
standards that keep women in their place. Equipped with a list
of Don'ts and a unique theatrical style, the choreographers discover
what it takes to follow the rules and what might happen if you
break them.

Photo by Olivia Blaisdell
Premiere, February 8, 2019, The Dance
Complex, Cambridge, MA
February 24, 2019, Green Street Studios, Cambridge, MA
March 11, 2019, College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, MA
May 8, 2019, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA
June 8, 2019, Salem Arts Festival, Salem, MA
July 10, Hobart and William Smith College, Geneva, NY
September 14, Salem State University, Salem, MA
September 26-28, Boston Center for the Arts, Boston, MA
Choreography and performance by Meghan McLyman
Salt explores the journey of
embodied resiliency, from struggle to acceptance. This solo was
created in response to the performer's journey through breast

Photo by Eric Fisher
March 22, 2019, Third Life Studio,
Somerville, MA
March 11, 2019, College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, MA
July 12, 2019, Hobart and William Smith College, Geneva, NY
September 14, 2019, Salem State University, Salem, MA
December 29, 2019, Dance Complex, Cambridge, MA
Disjointed Tales of a Woman
Choreography and performance by Meghan McLyman, Carey McKinley,
Jaclyn Waguespack and Kristen Duffy Young
Through humor, feathers, and snazzy
dance sequences, the choreographers create a world in which they
examine their identities as white, heterosexual women in a society
dominated by patriarchal structures.

Photo by Eric Fisher
Premiere, March 1, 2019, Tufts University,
Medford, MA
March 11, 2019, College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, MA
May 8, 2019, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA
Choreography and performance by Meghan McLyman and Kristen Duffy
Betty explores the physical
and mental tension that arises when working women are expected
to "do it all."

Photo by Christopher Huang
Premier, January 26, 2016, The Dance
Complex, Cambridge, MA
February 11-12, 2016, The Dance Complex, Cambridge, MA
July 17, 2017, Southern Vermont Dance Festival, Brattleboro, VT
September 16, 2017, Salem State University, Salem, MA
Proximity of Time
Choreography and performance by Rose Pasquarello Beauchamp, Meghan
McLyman and Kristen Duffy Young
How does the concept of time live within
the body? How does one relate to this external force on a kinesthetic
level? What emotional states arise as a result of its pressures
and how are they expressed through gesture?

Premiere, June 24, 2016, The Dance
Complex, Cambridge, MA
July 16, 2016, Hobart and William Smith College, Geneva, NY
July 18, 2017, Southern Vermont Dance Festival, Brattleboro, VT
Choreography and performance by Meghan McLyman and Kristen Duffy
Wrinkles explores the female
aging body through gesture, storytelling and witty self-reflection.

Premiere, May 9, 2015, The Dance Complex,
Cambridge, MA
May 15, 2015, Trident Gallery, Gloucester, MA
July 16, 2015, Dean College, Franklin, MA
October 23-24, 2015, The Dance Complex, Cambridge, MA
October 26, 2015, Salem State University, Salem, MA
November 9, 2015, College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, MA